A Quick Interview with Nada y Nada

Questions for Nada y Nada

I was excited to have the opportunity to ask Nada y Nada a few questions about their latest release and their future plans. Here is how it went!

Who are your main musical influences?

“Pedro The Lion and Elliott Smith have definitely had the biggest impact on my writing. 

I was also listening to a lot of Sparklehorse while I made the album.” 

Where did the idea for the “Vice Versa” video come from?

“The video was all the idea of writer/ director Jimmy Arrant who told me the idea started to evolve for them when they heard the first line of the song “I’ve had a strange few days””

Does the video have a specific message or “vibe” you were aiming for?

“The director first pitched the idea to me as drawing the viewer into a fever dream. I think the eyeball man that I got to play the role of is sort of like a grim reaper type of a guy. Basically death incarnate I guess?”

What genre would you consider yourself, if you had to pick one?

“Sad Bastard Music”

-this made me chuckle

Do you have more music or larger projects planned in the near future?

“I’m working on writing another release.  I’ve got some songs written but I they’ll evolve a bit in the process or recording.” 

What are your plans for 2023, are you touring at all?

“It’s my intention to tour soon, I don’t have anything pinned down for that yet. At the very least, if you’re in upstate NY you’ll be able to catch me at a few house shows playing solo.” 

Is there anything else you would like everyone to know about you and your music?

“I wrote this record well before the pandemic and but the songs are all very much about things we’ve all experienced throughout it like grief and struggle and figuring out how to cope. We’re still navigating through much of that and I think it’s a miscalculation to push it under the surface and carry on as usual. A lot of us know that, and are overwhelmed and exhausted so we’re shutting down to it. I don’t know how to proceed exactly but the best I can share is to keep trying to find some inner peace and community that feels like refuge to you. Don’t give up, be kind to people you have nothing to gain from, figure out what you need to be well and don’t let anything stop you from getting it. That’s about it. Thanks for doing this interview.”

Thank YOU for this interview! Getting a cool behind the scenes of the music video and what it means to to Nada y Nada was a great read and I could not have enjoyed their answers more.

be sure to check out Nada y Nada here!

Linktree: https://linktr.ee/nadaynada


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