The Evolution of Eric Raven

Eric Raven is a dark techno/hardcore solo project by the New Jersey-based artist of the same name. They started releasing music in early 2022 and dropped their debut album, “The Shape of Pain,” in January of 2023. Raven and I met to talk about their history with DIY, the evolution of their sound, and their new release. 

Although “The Shape of Pain” is their most recent release, it’s by no means their first. According to Raven, their first band started in 2016 and was a mix between Avenged Sevenfold and pop punk. An interesting mix to be sure, but not the clear vision that they would eventually create. They picked up a guitar to start with and eventually discovered their passion for vocals and songwriting.

Growing up in the New Jersey metalcore and punk scene, the House of Independence and the Starland Ballroom were the premiere venues for up-and-coming artists. But with Raven’s first project, it wasn’t in the cards to play there. Still, it was the perfect opportunity to take the scene into their own hands. 

“I’d invite all my bands in high school and other bands from surrounding towns and we’d get together once or twice a month and throw these giant shows in my basement,” says Raven, with a nostalgic grin. 

“And I was like yeah, this is what I’m doing. This is it.”

Raven’s current band, Dumpweed, was created in 2017 as a straight-up punk outfit. The lineup has changed over time, but they’re going strong and hard at work creating a new album, which is set to drop sometime in 2023.

Dumpweed was also planning on touring in 2020, but it was disrupted by… you know what. Those plans were scrapped along with most of the DIY venues they were set to play at. However, they’re psyched to get back out there ASAP.

Moving onto the creation of the Eric Raven solo project, Raven revealed that it all started from wanting to make a Depeche Mode-esque song after getting a synthesizer in 2021. The first recording, “Ascension,” was pretty much a shot in the dark, but Raven was excited by the possibilities.

“I’ve grown up in the hardcore scene and the metal and punk scene, but electronic music — like New Order and all those guys — really holds a special place in my heart that I want to bring out more,” says Raven.

According to them, the sound of this project was developed through continuous experimentation. They’ve combined a wide range of genres and influences with the hope of turning listeners on to the music that inspired them.

“I like to be a gateway artist. I really like to connect what I like to other people,” says Raven.

They’re confident that, at this point, they’ve found the bedrock of this project’s sound. But that doesn’t mean the door is closed to new avenues.

“As I’m writing new stuff, I’m thinking ‘where do I want to go? What’s calling out to me? I think I’m still carving it out. But I think there’s still a vein running through it now.” 

Raven comments that, for future recordings, they’d like a more spontaneous approach with the instrumentation and are keen on inviting more people into the project, which will hopefully streamline their release schedule. They’re also looking to bring a more hardcore vibe to the sound. In any event, there are plenty of options for where this project can go from here.

“I finally feel like… I found who I am as an artist. And that brings me a lot of joy,” concludes Raven.


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-Take Back Thursday- Green Day’s Nimrod