Minuet - "New Wave" Single

Minuet is a debuting post-hardcore band you’ll want to keep your eyes on. Based out of Columbus, OH; they’ve been influenced by 90’s grunge and have encapsulated hardcore tendencies spectacularly for newcomers to the scene. Post-hardcore is a wide umbrella term that categorizes a variety of different bands, but Minuet’s debut single “Next Wave” is exactly that – the next wave within the genre.

It opens with a satisfying contrast between the higher & lower notes from guitarists Alex Rodriguez & Alec Barnhart – leading to some strong vocalization from Nick Reed. Bassist Ben Martindale & drummer Eric O’Neill also follow in and complete the group’s next wave grunge sound. The repetition of “Keep me out / Keep me at bay” into a breakdown is executed with great efforts, and it’s also extremely catchy. I also am a huge fan of the way they incorporate the song title as lyrics, ending strong with “Now it’s the next wave”.

Minuet’s catchphrase is one they live by, and the idea behind it shines through in this single. They say, “If it moves you, then move” and Next Wave is too catchy to not move. Reed mentioned that Next Wave is about being the elder emo going to shows and knowing that life is different because you’re older, but the energy behind the music remains the same. He also recognized the importance of not only finding new ways to connect within the scene, but to also help foster a safe environment for the next wave of kids coming into these spaces. Reed very sweetly mentioned that he liked to think that “Keeping [himself] alive in this world also makes way for [his] own kids to have their own intrinsic connection in a scene that meant so much to [him] growing up.”

We’re all very excited to see what’s coming next, as Minuet is currently working on their debut EP to be released later this year – stay tuned! They also just played their first show at The Basement in Columbus on April 18th with Tiny Moving Parts & Prentiss. Minuet started getting into the studio circa October 2022, albeit secretly, but they’re off to a great start.


The Weekend Replay


The Weekend Replay