The bands debut is finally here and it’s the perfect soundtrack for this summer. Read more for our review and interview with Joel Kirschenbaum.

King Of Heck’s new record “Kingo” is finally here and it’s a good one. A record about moments of love and life, Joel Kirschenbaum of the band uses five words to describe the sound of it “psychedelic, introspective, Irrevent, indie rock”. A unique combination of sounds creating the perfect soundtrack for this summer. 

  Starting off with “Spring Of Life” we hear the subtle noise of what sounds like the drop of a needle on a record. Filled with subtle but exciting guitar riffs that end up flowing in seamlessly with the rest of the song elements used. A song that builds over the course of time to transition right into a heavy clash of drums and stylized vocals. 

On next is “The Waves” a spunky song that reminds you of the beauty of the smaller things in life. 

“I wanted to make songs that could hold memories and feelings forever.” Joel says. 

When it comes to creating an album some can struggle with a plethora of things, what songs to use, what sounds, where do we want to take this? But King Of Heck didn’t struggle creating “Kingo”. Joel tells us how the album came to be. 

“This record came pretty naturally, I believe we wrote like 15 songs and then these are the ones that stuck. We did record this fully analog on a tape machine in our drummer Nick’s house. That was definitely a challenge, and time consuming, but the record and vibe is better for it.” 

Joel is no stranger to time consuming projects though. When he’s not playing in King Of Heck he’s working with Mom Jeans, Just Friend’s Crew, Graduating Life and on top of all of that runs I want my honey tv! One project can be overwhelming for a person let alone four but Joel doesn’t mind it. 

“I am constantly working on projects and emailing and traveling simultaneously. It’s a lot of pressure, but I feel like the pressure keeps me alive. Through all of it, I just try and remember to enjoy myself. If I catch that I am having a bad time or too stressed, I recognize that and do something for myself; draw a picture, go on a walk, play guitar, sing, hangout etc.” 

Another thing to add into the busy mix of life King Of Heck joined Covet on tour in May and will be playing with them until June 11th. 

“We’re playing Montreal which is so beautiful, one of my favorite cities in the world, Chicago at Lincoln hall, is also very epic.” 

Going on tour is one of the most exciting parts of releasing an album for many musicians. Getting the chance to see their fans again and connect together over new music is something to admire. Joel shares what songs he’s most excited to play. 

“Big Spin and Spring of My Life are so fun to play because I am dancing around with no guitar.”

Big Spin is the kind of song that just makes you want to move and quite literally do a big spin yourself. Listening to the rest album you can’t help but focus in on the lyrics and find your mind wondering as to what it’s about. Curiosities forming over if there's any deeper meanings or messages lying within. 

“In a song I think it’s important to build a world where people can dive as deep as they want into it. The big takeaways would be “life’s gonna be alright, let’s not take it all so seriously”. I think all signs on the record point that direction.”

Kingo”  is an album that makes you want to listen to it all over again once it ends, an album that excites you for the summer ahead, filled with songs that just make you not only reflect but make you want to move. “Kingo” reminds us to take it easy and let the waves pass by. 

I asked if there was anything else Joel wanted to share and this is what he had to say…

“Music makes a moment into magic!”



