sound of ceres releases “Emerald sea”

Read more as we talk to this months spotlight artist about the process of creating the album and more.

It’s been quite some time since the release of an album from dream-pop group, Sound Of Ceres. Returning with their third album, Emerald Sea, an album about two deities traveling through time and biome. The album had begun creation as early as 2017, a month after their second record. K Hover singing as Venus, the transformer of matter and avatar of love, gives us a closer look at the creation and challenges faced with Emerald Sea.

“While the 5 year span of record creation served us well in many ways, it was difficult at times to remain energized and focused when the project felt like it was always something in the future,” K said.

Now in the future, the group has put out three singles that have made that wait worth it with the release of “The Glare,” “Sunray Venus,” and “Arm Of Golden Flame”. Each song makes listeners anticipate the release of the album even more. Listening to the soft, beautiful tones of K’s voice and synth tones makes you want to listen even closer and try to look at the music with a different set of ears, making you want to pay close attention to the story unraveling as you continue to listen throughout the record. 

K then explains the story to us, “Emerald Sea is about two deities traveling through time and biome. The beginning of the story speaks of a shadow figure that I follow across plains of the universe, only in the end to realize that she is the universe herself.” 

Going more deeper into the meanings and underlying themes in the album, K shares that “The album is about the emergence of mind and meaning in the universe, told as a mythical tale using the various forms of Venus as they journey from the void to the sea and back to the sky. Venus Caelestis is the morning star, embodiment of innocence and potential, the first glimmer of awareness in the cosmos. Venus Physica is born from seafoam, a universal, natural creative force that informs the physical world. Finally, Venus Verticordia is the changer of hearts, with love and creation as the final form of mind and meaning. Throughout the story, the universe follows, seeing herself through this small part of her that has become aware.”

Two deities must mean two voices right? Well, Sound Of Ceres has joined forces with conceptual and performance artist; Marina Abramović who narrates the album as the universe. A crucial collaborator for the album, Abramović was introduced to the group at their Brooklyn residency in 2017.

“Marina has always been a beacon of creativity in the performance art world, when our then fan, now turned friend, invited her to our second week's show. Ever since then, we've stayed in touch and yearned to work with her on a project someday, and Emerald Sea felt like the perfect place for her voice,” K goes on.

Emerald Sea is not only audibly enjoyable but is visually stunning as well. The music videos take you through each song, showing you the world that’s been created through the album within three acts – one can’t help but wonder what the inspiration was behind that. 

K explains, “Our new live show for Emerald Sea is in three acts, and when we recorded the tracks, we had the live show element in mind. Thus, a play and an album were simultaneously born.”

A new live show is a promising and exciting aspect for the group. Sound Of Ceres hasn’t been on stage since 2019 and we wanted to know what songs they're most excited to play.

“All of us have different songs we hold close, but mine [K], is track eight, “Handlion's Palace.” It makes me feel as if I am inside of a seashell that is ringing with an orchestra.”

K then continues to tell us the excitement they have to perform again, “I am always so eager to hear how fans have connected with the work. I am ever so happy to play live again.”

I also asked K if they had any memorable stories regarding the album that they’d like to share and this is what they had to say:

“Our time spent at our friend Jon Sonnenberg's studio in Ohio was so special. We spent a solid week in a basement studio recording on odd instruments that Jon has made from scrap parts of kitchen utensils, machinery, you name it. While we are a very focused family, we always end our days early, so that we can all eat together, commune, and if we can, play laser tag. I do remember while on tour with Beach House in France, on our day off we drove around looking for laser tag arenas to fill our void.”

Lastly, the question on all of our minds is “what’s next for Sound Of Ceres?” to which K replies, “Next? Actualizing our new record for all of you. <3”

Emerald Sea is a beautifully crafted album that you will not regret listening to – in fact, you’ll want to play it back to back. Soaking up all the elements used in the album, all kinds of orchestral sounds can be heard from horns to harps, and even the wistful, windy sounds of synth really make you feel like you're not only listening, but even feeling the story unwind.





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