short fictions highly anticipated ALBUM ““Every Moment Of Everyday” IS FINALLY HERE

On Friday the band released their third album and has already received high praise for it. In this interview we go further into the album with songwriter / vocalist Sam Treber.

Short Fictions releases their new album “Every Moment Of Everyday” via Lauren Records. Three years after their most recent release “Fates Worse Than Death” the band returns with an exhilarating, colorful blend of rhythms and clever lyricism. Starting off strong with the title track “You Will Never Be The Best At Anything You Try (surely not)” the album goes through a journey within the eight tracks of pure noise, irresistible ballads and unforgettable horns. We asked songwriter / vocalist Sam Treber to describe the album in three words and this is how he phrased it.

“Sick ass riffs, baby, yeah.”

Creating sick ass riffs isn’t always easy though and it’s sometimes unavoidable to fall into the same writing style; creating songs that all just sound the same that don’t engage listeners. Sam shares with us that this was the biggest challenge Short Fictions faced.

“The hardest part about writing this album or any album really is trying to keep it new without deviating too hard. I always try to keep in mind the things from previous albums that people tell me they like and reincorporate them into the new stuff. But then I also don’t want to be too formulaic. At the end of the day, I’m just going to write whatever comes through my head and hope for the best. “

This isn’t an issue for the new album though. Each song flows into a different variety of sounds, tempos and moods that peak the interest of our ears and make us want to keep listening. In fact some songs of the album are guaranteed to just get stuck in your head, the bright harmonies of “Heather” playing on a loop. Another stand out song on the album is “The Great Unwashed”. One of the heavier sounding songs. Sam then reveals to us that the band almost was a full on screamo project at one point.

“We love heavy music! [We] came back to a friendlier sound after a while. I love to sneak in some heavy stuff though when I get the chance. I was really inspired by the Donovan Wolfington album How to Treat the Ones You Love (2015) that has just one hardcore song in the middle of the album and I wanted to do the same. There’s no rules!”

Experimenting with sounds of rage and Short Fiction's dedication to their music shines through this album. A light that fans from the early days of the band can clearly see, an admirable sense to see the band going on to produce more music, going on tour and being fully immersed within the music industry. Sam reflects on the time spent playing in DIY spaces that got them their start.

“We came up on DIY and are still very much involved in those communities. Hard to say that we’d even be able to do what we do now if not for years of booking shows in basements. We’ll still play DIY venues once in a while and every time we do we have a blast and get reminded why we started playing in bands in the first place. DIY is life”

House shows are a common way that most bands get their start. Providing makeshift venues within their communities to give locals a way to listen to the bands right in town with them. You might even catch Short Fictions play at one during their upcoming tour. Regardless of the venue location, this is an album that you’re not going to want to miss out on being heard live. Fans can expect to hear some of their favorite songs during this tour and the band is equally as excited to play them.

“Loving playing Don’t Start a Band and Heather so far! A lot of people seem to know the words already which is so cool. We haven’t played The Great Unwashed recently but that one is always fun to do just because we get to go turbo mode for a little.”’

Short Fictions tour starts on July 27th in Brooklyn at Elsewhere Zone One. The band is eager to play live again and wants to play as much as possible with this new release. On top of a busy tour life they’ve already started working on new music asz well.

“I want to spend some time on that when I get a chance but, you know, Rome wasn’t built in a day.”

At the end our interview I asked Sam if he had anything else to include and this is what he had to say…

“Run that new album up, baby, hell yeah!!”



