Raue -It’s Pronounced “ROO-ay”

Raue is one of the latest and greatest two-piece punk acts to come from California. The combined efforts of multi-instrumentalist and vocalist, Paige Kalenian, and drummer Jax Huckle, have earned them a dedicated following in a relatively quick period. 

Following the release of their latest EP, “KARMA!!” Kalenian, Huckle, and I sat down to talk about their new project and how they’ve been growing as a band. 

Oh, and it’s pronounced, “ROO-ay.”

After a lively discussion about boba tea, bagels, and chia seeds, we started talking about the band’s history. 

The pair originally met when Kalenian’s mom, who works for Universal Audio, asked around for a drummer on her daughter’s behalf. Fortunately, a family friend of Huckle’s heard and delivered the message

As soon as they met, Kalenian and Huckle had to get ready ASAP because they already had a show coming up in two weeks. They hit the ground running.  And haven’t slowed down since.

“I always knew I wanted to music, but it wasn’t until around that time, that first half of 2021, that it was official. It had been past the phase of a hobby, definitely, for a long time, but that was when it was time to go,” explains Kalenian. 

Not long after officially beginning Raue, we got their first, self-titled album. It was a little unusual to see a full-length release so early on in the band’s history, but Kalenian comments that those songs weren’t all written at once.

“That album was this accumulation of songs I’ve written throughout my journey with music. I started playing when I was 11 or 12, and I got to work at a friend’s home studio, so every night was just kind of aimlessly writing. And that album was the songs I deemed worthy from that time,” they say.

In terms of live performances, Raue hasn’t been slacking either.

“It’s been ramping up very significantly, lately,” says Huckle. “The crowd, it’s only gotten better lately. It’s awesome,” they continue.

Although their popularity looks almost overnight from the outside, the reality is always more complicated. Success is built one day at a time. Huckle and Kalenian both spent years honing their skills and developing themselves to the point they’re at now. 

It also doesn’t hurt that Raue is dedicated to keeping in touch with its fans in creative ways. When I brought up the eclectic playlists on their streaming page, Kalenian mentioned that some of them were actually created from their fans’ input. Paige even contends that she’s found some of her new favorite songs through these suggestions.

Kalenian also describes a recent occasion when they were opening for a show and encountered a few hardcore Raue fans. They had a great moment of connection when they were all dancing to the headliner and having a good time. 

“Moments like that just make me smile so much. I loved looking over and they were like ‘it’s you!’ and I was like ‘I know, and it’s you!’ and we’re here, and there’s great music. There’s something about the way music can bring people together that just blisses me out so much. It was such a great experience,” says Kalenian, with a massive grin.  

Kalenian also emphasizes that their online promotion and image always come from a genuine place. They claim that they never want to be dishonest with themselves or the people who enjoy their music. 

“I love those guys, they’re beyond kind to us. And I hope we can return that for them. We aim to do that, and I hope we’re doing that successfully,” they say. 

Part of Raue’s success undoubtedly comes from their eclectic listening habits. Although the pair draw from a wide pool of influences, they’re also keen on creating something fresh. 

“Our approach to writing music is, whatever comes, there are no rules. You just do whatever. You just follow your intuition a bit. And sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t,” says Kalenian. 

All Images are from Raue’s Instagram (@rauemusic)

That unrestrained, creative spark certainly comes through on KARMA!! Speaking of that EP, let’s talk about it real quick.

“Karma” hits the ground running with some incredibly danceable guitar and bass, which gets carried forward by the punchy drums. The mix is surprisingly detailed and has great depth to it, and the chorus is the definition of catchy. 

“Ruby Glow” crashes in right away with an absolutely infectious bassline. There’s fuzzy distortion and echo thrown in all over the track, giving it a nice grittiness. The guitar solo towards the end is a nice way to cap off the song, and the short, but sweet, EP. 

The writing and composition on this EP are fresh and detailed, but Raue doesn’t lose sight of the anarchic sting that runs through its core.

I remarked to the bandmates that the sound on their recent EP is an escalation in intensity in comparison to their earlier releases, which they agreed with.

“I feel like it was definitely a natural step up from the previous tracks,” says Huckle.

“Throughout the process of shows and getting bigger and bigger groups and more people who are into the music, especially when we play live, we noticed we wanted more hard, fast songs.” they continue.

Kalenian agrees, saying “Having something to match the energy of our concerts 

was 100% the motivation behind these tracks.” 

They mentioned that, in the past, most bands started out playing live before recording and releasing a record, but with them, it was the opposite. Now, their live shows are informing their songwriting. 

As their experience and audience have grown, Kalenian and Huckle have grown to appreciate the joy of playing for their fans.

“I think it’s such a blissful experience because it forces you to be 100% in the present moment,” says Kalenian. 

“I think that’s how life is supposed to be lived and it’s an avenue to get back to that,” they conclude.  

Be Sure to check our Raue here! Raue - Openstage (os.fan)


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