Polkadot’s Promising New Single “Unstuck”

Polkadot, a Bay Area indie outfit aptly and accurately self-described as “tweemo”, has marked what will most likely be a very exciting year for the group with a new single, “Unstuck”, released on March 7th. With this new track, the band (which originally began as a songwriting project helmed by guitarist and vocalist Daney Espiritu) seems to be getting progressively more comfortable in its own shoes as their releases trickle out. 

“Unstuck” is followed by Polkadot’s 2023 single “Pulling Threads”, a track that marked a serious upgrade in the group’s production value from 2020’s short-but-sweet debut record Feeling Okay; the hard work in the three years between these releases certainly doesn’t go unnoticed here. In this newest single, the guitars are close and crystal-clear but still retain the essential grit and fuzz needed to get the point across. The mix on “Unstuck” is top-notch; a track that sounds full, roomy, and well-balanced while still keeping the spirit and angst of your favorite emo basement recordings is surely a feat, and Polkadot pulls it off with ease. The aforementioned attributes, combined with an anthemic midtempo groove, a shotgun snare sound (the only way a snare should sound in a recording of this genre), and an absolute earworm of a guitar melody, make the group’s newest single an immediately promising listen.

Polkadot certainly wears their influences on their sleeves, but just because this track takes cues from emo darlings like Tigers Jaw or Joyce Manor (especially in its melodic/harmonic movement) doesn’t at all hinder the track from sounding original. What sets Polkadot apart from the heavy-hitters of emo is that Espiritu has a way of delivering simple lines with a tone of voice that has a little more nuance to it — two parts longing, one part completely indifferent, and one part actively content — rather than the one-sided  “whininess” that is often attributed to bands in the genre (no hate: Of All Things I Will Soon Grow Tired is one of my favorite records). If you’re a fan of the genre and are looking for something fresh that still feels like home, “Unstuck” is a great place to start. 

“Unstuck” is available to buy and stream on all platforms on March 7th, 2023. 


