nine deer releases ep “need”

After being in the works for several years, “Need,” by Nine Deer —the experimental indie solo project of Nic Kielbasa, a multi-instrumentalist and freelance photographer based out of Portland, Oregon— is officially ready to be heard. 

Read on to find out what we thought about this project, along with some commentary from the artist. 

“Need” begins with the track “Side-by-Side” and immediately sets a wistful tone, both lyrically and instrumentally. 

The production of this EP is very spacey and syrupy, making you feel like you’re drowning in melancholic ecstasy. It’s hardly surprising, given the artist’s background in ambient and electronic music. However, this project is certainly not lacking on the instrumental front. 

The heavily modulated rhythm guitars, bass, and vocals are paired with wailing lead guitar parts and crisp drums —courtesy of Pool Kids drummer, Caden Clinton. It’s a clever contrast that gives the sound depth.

During our interview, Nic described how the production of this EP came together:

“I just tracked everything and did all the demos on my own and then brought it to Caden, because he’s an incredible drummer. He plays with Pool Kids and is about to tour with Ethel Kane.” 

“He changed some of the drum parts up himself, but about half of them stayed true to what I wrote.” 

Nic’s vocals on this EP are often delicate and serene. He expresses a vulnerability that couples well with the subject matter of each track, inviting listeners to embrace the heavy emotions on display here.

Christine Goodwyne —another member of Pool Kids— accompanies Nic as a feature on the track “Remington.” Her performance is absolutely stellar and makes for a great addition to the EP. 

Thematically, this EP is focused on soul-searching, losing people, and searching for one’s path. The lyrics constantly deal with feelings of uncertainty, wondering about the future, and letting go of the past. In the end, it’s all about confronting yourself to find out who you really are. 

“To me, “Need” is very much a reflective piece. A lot of music is in the moment, especially pop music. But a lot of these songs are more about looking back at a moment in time and being like “damn, I did all that.” And now I know why I did that, but I didn’t at the time. And it was important for me to capture all that.”

Nic has previously talked about driving around aimlessly being an influence on the mood of these songs and described this project as “road trip music.” Listening to this EP, you get the feeling of getting lost in more ways than one.

On the track “Over My Head,” Nic describes drifting from place to place over the past few years, eventually getting to the point of not knowing who he was.

“Overall, it’s about letting go of someone to get back in touch with yourself.”

While discussing the subject of wandering and wondering, Nic said that he’s dealt with these feelings for a long time.

“Definitely an ongoing thing. The past two months in my life have been the first time that I feel grounded. I’ve struggled with letting myself be somewhere. I was moving so much, taking jobs in the most random places, like Montana.”

“It was fucking with my mental health, but also very inspiring. I learned a lot about myself. It’s been something in my life, where ever since I’ve left college it’s been like “what’s next, what’s next, what’s next.”

Much of the lyrics on “Need” directly deal with the difficulties that can come from trying to hold a relationship together and stay true to yourself when things are slowly falling apart. Nic spoke about one relationship that inspired some of the lyrics on this EP:

“Basically, at the end of it all, I didn’t know who I was because I was doing all these things to hold on to the relationship. So, leaving that to go live in rural Montana, where I wound up being for three years, was a big inspiration.”

The high point of “Need” is the fourth track in the list and the thematic climax of the EP: “Under.” In addition to using an evocative metaphor to describe a heart-wrenching emotional state, it’s also stellar on the instrumental side. “Under” starts with an understated rhythm guitar part, then slowly escalates throughout the song until the lead guitar and drums reach an impactful crescendo.

“Under” specifically was about trying to hold on to something over and over, and eventually saying “okay, I’ve tried everything I can,” Nic said.  

Overall, “Need” is a somber and soulful listen that lures you in with hypnotic melodies and keeps you introspecting long after the last song ends. The instrumentals on each track mesh together to form a flowing tide that moves from tranquil to climactic. And Nic’s lyrics coupled with his vocal delivery are moving to say the least.   

On “Need” finally dropping, Nic had this to say:

“I’m stoked for the release. “Need” was a long time coming. And when you hear it, I think you’ll be able to tell that there’s a lot of depth to it. And I always resonate with stuff that has depth to it, even if it’s silly or goofy. I’m really, really happy about it.”

Nic also gives shoutouts to Caden, Pool Kids (@poolkidsband), Maeriyakii (@maeriyakii), and their partner, Sweet Baby James (@sweetbaby_james).



