Fake Pollocks New Single “Fake Blood” and EP Announcement

We’ve got an interesting new release for you, Fake Pollocks have released their first single from their debut EP The Flashlight EP coming March 31st. A fun fast paces race to the finish “Fake Blood” doesn’t stop. We get a small break about halfway through with a spoken word section, picking right back up until the climax. Fading out with guitars, you start to think “What just happened?”, in the best way.

Fake Pollocks is a New York City based emo band, a collaboration of philanthropist Nathan Sherman (Floral, Graveborn) and common dish-monkey Ty Mayer (JLS Middle School 6th Grade Band). this will be self released and available on all streaming platforms. Fake pollocks also have two tracks from last fall, “Arm & Argument” and “The Witness”.

Be sure to check out The Flashlight EP when it releases March 31st!

Music | Fake Pollocks (bandcamp.com)


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