Our review of the album and an interview with the band!

After seven years of collaborating and creating, Philadelphia-based emo-indie band Brackish released their self-titled LP on Friday. An album that goes beyond the surface and touches upon youth, losing friends and dealing with the aftermath of grief and loss. The 12 track album goes through fast songs to slow, daring drum clashes, riveting guitar riffs and strong vocals to create the ultimate listening experience. 

Within the first listen of the record you can sense a feeling of pain, sadness and frustration within some of the lyrics in each song. A raw, emotional side to artists we don’t always get to see. The song that stands out the most on the record is “Speaks To Me” which is the only acoustic track on the album. After the band experienced the passing of one of their lead guitarists, they first wrote the song back in 2017. The memory and influence of their beloved friend strongly shines through this record. 

The rest of the album has heavier tracks that dare to take on a different dynamic, songs like “Frames” and “Pareidolia” that give the listener a closer look and perspective on how the band's deeper emotions and stories are embedded in this record. Songs that fans of Double Gainer, Sweet Pill and Riverby would enjoy. 

In conclusion, the debut for the band is a strong start filled with hits and gives their fan base a chance to connect with them even more. We can only imagine what will happen for the band from here on out and are excited to be able to follow along as Brackish continues to grow. 


Now a closer look at the album with our interview with Brackish.

First off I’d like to say congrats on the new record! It sounds great! Can you tell me a little more about the album and what inspired you to create it? 

“Thank you kindly! We’re proud to say that Zach (drums) did most of the recording through Noise War Sound, with the exception of the two songs we recorded with Ace Enders in 2021. We have been a band for 7 years now and stuck to creating EP’s and singles for a while and felt ready to contribute a full picture of what we would like to do with this project. We had plenty of songs lined up and ready to go, I (Connor, guitar/vocals) was writing a lot up until the moment we started recording.”

In five words how would you describe the sound of the album? 

“Life’s weird, gotta go fast”

What was the hardest part about writing the album? Anything particular sticking out to you? 

“Honestly, the hardest part was stopping writing to record. The very last song I wrote for the album was “What Makes You Say” which coincidentally ended up being the first single we put out in 2021 to tease the record. I had just started playing with a new tuning and it was like re-learning guitar which resulted in a whole rush of new songs. I’m very excited to start working on the next album already.”

Are there any deeper meanings or stories behind the album or any of the tracks on it? If so, would you like to share? 

“I’d say this album’s overarching theme is what happened over a five year span starting in 2016 with one of my best friends and members of this band passing away. Navigating that through that personally and how it impacted my relationship, my friendships. After that it was the pandemic, the BLM protests in 2020. The song “Pareidolia” is the longest song on the record and has a lot of sporadic changes which felt encompassing to that five year experience in many ways. “Speaks To Me” was the first song we all wrote together, before Zach had even joined the band, and the lyrics explain just how confusing and depleting the entire experience was. When you’re all out of resources, “All The Same” becomes the attitude, supposing nothing really matters anymore. It all ends with the same results.”

Are you excited to play the album live and can we expect to hear it on an upcoming tour at all?

“Playing live with Brackish is one of the most rewarding experiences ever as we’ve all known each other since we were teenagers and we’re much older now. We’re close friends and playing music together and that just can’t be beaten, it’s something I treasure. I’d say it’s our favorite part. These new songs need fresh air!”

I noticed you’ve played at one of the infamous 4333 shows, do you feel a stronger sense of connection at DIY shows than say the ones at more traditional venue spaces? 

“That’s a great way to put it, we do feel a stronger sense of connection at DIY shows over venues. Don’t get me wrong, being able to hear the entire band definitely elevates our performance and we were regularly playing clubs before the pandemic but all of our favorite bands are playing basements. Years ago I was working the door at Golden Tea House and similar places in Philadelphia so to see people like 4333 come into the picture and take things into their own hands warms your heart. You always hope someone picks up where folks left off because it’s never guaranteed. It’s a thankless job and often understated how important it is to have promoters that “get it.” 

Are there any songs on the album that you’re more excited to play live than others? 

“I mentioned earlier it was hard to stop writing but the last 4 songs I wrote for the album (For Real, What Makes You Say, Dopamine Slot Machine, Friends That Drive) I am most excited to play live, I have a feeling they’re going to serve as a teaser for whatever we do next.”

Who is the ideal dream collab for Brackish? 

“Whenever Mineral, Lifetime, or The Appleseed Cast is ready to do a split, our email is open.”

Now that the record is out, what's next for Brackish? Any other goals for the rest of this year? 

“We would really like to go out and play some places we haven’t before, pandemic permitting. I wouldn’t be surprised if by the fall we were sprinkling even newer songs into our set.”

Lastly, anything else you’d like to add?

“A lot of these lyrics are sad and relay a sense of frustration. Writing them helped me through that some. In these doom-ridden times, try your best to not let things outside of your control upset you. Focus on making an impact in your world, as you know it, closest to you. This is the most important and valuable thing one person can do while it seems like the world is catching fire.”


